Working To Improve Financial Literacy In The USA

Welcome to the Saucon Creek Institute for Financial Literacy!

The Saucon Creek Institute for Financial Literacy, established in 2016, is focused on improving the level of understanding of personal finance issues that impact Americans of all ages.

Whether you are paying off college debt, buying a car or a home, saving for retirement, or managing financial risk, there are numerous personal finance issues to consider and understand. Properly managing your personal finances is not just important for the wealthy. It is critical for everyone, young and old, upper, lower, or middle income.   

The website has been created to help you improve your understanding of personal finance. The website provides a wealth of information in the form of newsletters, videos, flipbooks, and calculators for you to digest. Whether you prefer to read an article or a newsletter, watch a video or perform some calculations there is a medium of information that will fit your need. This information can be accessed by clicking on the Resources tab above.   

For more information about the mission of the institute and the services provided beyond the website, please click on the About Us tab above. 

I hope you take advantage of this resource and visit often. Be sure to add the site to your list of "favorites" in your internet browser. The information is updated frequently and I would not want you to miss any developments in the area of personal finance. 

Best Regards,

Matthew Mellett, MS, ChFC, CLU

Executive Director, the Saucon Creek Institute for Financial Literacy